I wanted to say that I've become very interested in a film technique known as "shot-reverse-shot cutting." This is a technique I have used in many of my masterpieces, including The Adventures of Rupert Murdoch and the Master Shunzy Spinoff.
Basically, it is used when characters are conversing. There will be a wide shot that shows both characters A and B. Then there will be a shot behind the shoulder of person A, showing his view of person B as person B speaks. Then there will be a shot behind the shoulder of person B while person A speaks. Eventually, there will be close-ups of persons A and B as they speak.
I don't know what it is, but I find this technique fascinating, and I always pay attention to how it's used in films.
Here is an example I have created so you can be aware of the shot-reverse-shot cutting technique.

The shot behind the other character while the other character is speaking. This might go back and forth a few times, until eventually there are close-ups of the characters

Anyway, I don't know why I think about this, but I do. Pay attention the next time you see a film. Hopefully it will include Christian Bale opposite Woody Allen. Batman 3? Annie Hall 2?