The Adventures of Rupert Murdoch
My life is so silly and pointless...

Hi. I'm Eric Stoltz.
Who are you?
I'm Rupert Murdoch.
Oh, hi Rupert. I don't mean to pry, but you seem a little down in the dumps. What's wrong?
My life is ridiculous. I run this huge company called News Corp and I make tons of money, but what's the point? The sun is going to blow up, anyway.
Oh! Cheer up, sour puss! Besides, the sun will not blow up for many, many years.
Yes, but when it does, everything will be gone without a trace. It will be like we never existed!


Hm. Well, if running News Corp doesn't make you happy, what might?
Wait, I know!
Well? Don't keep it to yourself!
Adventures! I mean, I've never really had any, but I've always wanted to!
That sounds super!
Yeah! I'm going to go on adventures!
There's that smile!
Well I need to get going!
You have a lot to get ready for!
Thank you so much! Oh, and one more thing...I haven't seen you in anything lately; what's going on with your career?

I'm just messing with you! Bye!
Yeah, bye.
I liked him better when he was confused and depressed...