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Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Conversation Between Lucas & Spielberg

Speilberg: So what's going on, George?
George: Well, Steve, I wanted to run some things by you.
Steve: Sure!

Ok, so I know there has been all this talk about an Indiana Jones spin-off with Shia here taking the lead. Well, I like that idea, but I want to take it a step further...

Ok, so what are you thinking?

Well, I've always really loved Jar-Jar...

Uh, ok...

Yeah, so I really just want to do an adventure with Jar-Jar and Mutt from Indy 4...

(Spielberg starts to imagine this...)

Jar Jar: Me-sa Jar Jar!
Mutt: Yo! Let's go rough some people up!

I'm thinking a lot of vine swinging and definitely a lot of gophers. I LOVE gophers. Anyway, Shia here is definitely on board. Right, Shia?



Ha! Kids. Ahem, anyway, do you think you'd like to direct this one?

Uh, well, you know, I think that, well, um, there's the Lincoln thing and, uh...

Yeah yeah, you're busy! I think I'd like this one if you don't mind. Great! Ok, we're going to get going now. Bye!

That guy has f$#*en lost it...