Their cream pies are luscious as all hell, and when I think of it I wouldn’t say hell is very luscious, so perhaps that was a bad comparison. Anyway, moving on. I went for a chocolate and banana cream pie. Somehow, the lady at the register screwed up or misheard me and gave me a banana cream pie and a chocolate peanut butter pie. This is a mistake I can most certainly tolerate.
Said peanut butter pie was basically a huge, high quality, rich and smooth Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. The crust was of crushed graham crackers, the same approach used for the cream pies (more on that in a moment). The word "decadent" does not do justice to this treat.

The banana cream. When it comes to the aforementioned crust, there is a savory, almost salty quality to the crushed graham concoction that perfectly contrasts the light and smooth quality of the banana filling and the absurdly dense yet luscious nature of the whipped cream. It is truly an amazing, creamy banana cream pie.
If working for a living must be so crushing, then thank goodness for such an effective painkiller.
Morningside Heights
Amsterdam and 122nd Street