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Monday, August 16, 2010

A return?

Possibly. These past few months I have been assessing and re-assessing (and re-re-assessing) my internet presence. I even took a web design class, thinking I would start a website that would somehow be a mirror-image of my life. I've also been considering starting a collection of blogs, teasing that my goal was to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records for most blogs. Well, when all is said and done, more is said than done.

Therefore, I am strongly considering the Return of Food and Pants. This blog would become a bit more expansive in topic, including posts on adventure, the Civil War, and also adventure. We'll see. The logic is that by creating too many blogs, things will become a bit too scattered and no real blogging will get done (although I still maintain there is something cool about having dozens and dozens, if not hundreds and hundreds, of different blogs).

We'll see, friends. We'll see.