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Monday, January 18, 2010

NYT & FAPPAF to Announce Fee for Online Content

Hello, friends.

It's been reported that the NY Times is set to announce very shortly a paid subscription service for viewing online content. I personally have urged Arthur Sulzberger to make this move. I thought it was the best thing for the Times and the best thing for my friend Arthur, who has not been doing well lately with the stress of running an organization with an outdated business model. However, I never thought Food&Pants would likewise have to move to a subscription plan. Unfortunately, I have recently been forced to make some difficult decisions, and I have no choice but to also move FAPPAF to a fee-for-service model. I will announce very soon the various options, including a Platinum Membership, which provides access to all FAPPAF multimedia content and archives for the cost of about $5,000 a day. Think, for about the same cost as taking an incredible trip to Europe or perhaps buying an engagement ring, you can enjoy all that FAPPAF has to offer for an entire day. Now that's money well-spent.

Thank you, and I appreciate your willingness to be revolutionary consumers of digital media. Together, we are going to change the world (and also my credit card debt).
