They say that at the end of his life, Beethoven went deaf, and some people might refer to this as ironic, and who am I to argue with that? But at least Beethoven was able to experience his art for quite a long time without any problems (I am not suggesting he did not experience it in other non-auditory ways once he lost his hearing).
Well sit down, children, and listen to the Sad Yet Incredible Tales of Giovanni DeLuca Voccelli Leonardo DaRaphael Delpino, the master Pizzaiola. And what is so sad about his tales? Well, Giovanni had an extreme case of lactose intolerance - the worst case his doctors ever saw. Giovanni was obsessed with pizza and its production, but alas struggled with not being able to eat the very thing he was making!!!
To this day, it is not known how he created such incredible pizza, having never tasted it! But all will agree: Giovanni DeLuca Voccelli Leonardo DaRaphael Delpino was the greatest Pizzaiola to EVER live.
These chronicles will serve to memorialize this giant of a man...
To be continued...