Oh, hello -- I didn't see you over there. Ahem. Anyway, welcome to yet another weekend update. It was once said by Henry David Whitman that "the soul of America is a big soul, a soul of many trespasses and wonders, and it's a soul that yearns for the open road." Indeed.
Well, as Mr. Nathaniel Melville would have concurrently itched, this weekend I went on some travels of my own. On Friday evening I ventured into Queens and ended up at Spicy Mina for a meal of spicy and intoxicating Indian spices. On Saturday I took the LIRR to Long Beach and spent the day at the shore, and on Sunday I took NJ Transit to Long Branch for yet another day at the shore. It was a weekend of tantalizing spices and sea shells.
And now, my friends, I present you with pictures from my expeditions. As Ulysses S. Sherman once said, "expeditions are good."